Youth Ministry
Mission Statement:
Branched is our Youth Ministry Program at Trinity Church Grand Island. The Gospel of John reads: “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit… (15:5).” As our youth and young adults branch off and grow in every which direction, we pray that their lives are abundantly fruitful due to a personal relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ.
Information about programming:
Branched Ministry offers programming for youth ages 10 and up (i.e., sixth through twelfth grade). Sunday morning programming allows youth to explore God’s word, grapple with the Gospel,
and pose unanswered questions. The curriculum chosen is both Bible-based and interactive in
order to engage youth of all ages, personalities and learning styles. Leaders will then facilitate small group discussions (e.g., middle school girls, middle school boys, high school girls, high school boys) in order to further bring relevancy to the “ancient” biblical teachings and directly
apply lessons to their daily life struggles/challenges. Youth can remain with their families/caregiver during the beginning of Sunday Worship and transition down to the youth space immediately following Children’s Moment.
Branched Ministry also offers monthly youth group events and outings. Youth can look
forward to fun-filled field trips, movie nights, sport tournaments and opportunities for fellowship. Quarterly mission opportunities will allow Branched youth to serve those in our community
and beyond! Details, dates and times are available on the church calendar, Trinity E-Tiding
and monthly Branched newsletter.
Ed Hayes- EHayes@TrinityGrandIsland.org
Josh MacConkey- JMacConkey@TrinityGrandIsland.org
Jim Sharp- JSharp@TrinityGrandIsland.org